Responding to recruiter approaches on LinkedIn đź’¬

Your LinkedIn profile is your own personal shop window and should be well populated with your experience and achievements. If it is, don’t be surprised if it attracts attention from recruiters who regularly use the platform when resourcing. After all, is that not ideally what you wanted when you created the profile in the first place?

Here are our five simple tips on the best way to handle approaches from recruiters that will increase your chances of landing the most suitable opportunities and building good quality relationships. 

DO – Take every approach seriously 

Although some may not be suitable, the very fact you were approached means that something in your profile matches with the requirement the recruiter is seeking to fulfil. Find out what that was before you decide to proceed or not. 

DO – Respond to every approach 

Even if it is a polite “no thanks”, it’s common courtesy to reply and this will put you in a better position with the recruiter when they have something more interesting (or suitable) in the future. Remember, all conversations on LinkedIn are saved so polite, responsive people always get more attention than those who are silent.

DO – Clarify any uncertainties by dialogue with the recruiter before engaging further

This may mean requesting details of the employer, salary, bonus etc, which may not be available immediately. This is all about clarification before you decide to engage further. It also helps you build a relationship with the recruiter, which will be important later in the process. 

DON’T – Be offended

If what is offered on the approach, seems out of step with your career or aspirations, don’t be annoyed, every conversation has to start somewhere. The recruiter cannot know all your requirements until they know you better. Give the better ones a chance to do that and it will pay dividends in the future.

DON’T – Ignore or ghost the recruiter 👻

Most recruitment professionals have good memories and may bypass you for future opportunities if they have had no successful contact before.

Hopefully these tips help you handle each approach professionally and identify the most suitable opportunities presented to you by recruiters in the future. 

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